Monday, October 27, 2008

Girls Golden Choir

***update... They opted to go with the black t-shirt over the green. I agree. The file is now in the hands of the screen printers and I must move on with other things. But I look forward to seeing the finished product.***

So a new T-shirt design for the Start High School music department. The original drawing was too off center and clumpy that I rebuilt and redrew it in Adobe Illustrator. Keep in mind that all the yellows will be printed in metallic gold on the actual shirts. Included for viewing pleasure are the shirt color tests I did for giggles. I realize the school color are green and gold, but I really like the red and blue shirts. Go figure.

Friday, October 24, 2008


This Sunday, October 26th the six page story will be up on Split Lip.
A big thanks to Sam Costello for bringing me on for a stint as artist on his series of horror comics. It was a rewarding experience, and has resulted in what is easily some of my best work to date. So be sure to log on Sunday and check it out.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Never quite sure where to post some things.

This was done due to a far too crappy header over on Finger Twitchings, but the full color version seems too refined to post the full version among it's scribbly brethren. So here it is in all it's insane glory. Still not sure if I like the B&W pen sketch better than the full color. Maybe the color just takes it too nutty. The entire piece uses two hues with a wide array of saturation and brightness values so it feels like full color even though it is conceptually only the two. ... it made sense to me at the time.

Also, for those who enjoyed this past year's cycling illustrations for Spree Touring, I am officially doing the 2009 ride promotions so look for those in the coming months. It's down to two rides as the Kicker just didn't catch on despite positive feedback on the illustration. Maybe this year I'll actually join in on the rides and log some miles.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


The weekend is over and after two days of self-promotion, a wedding of comic book fans, a steak dinner and plenty of quirky moments I'm ready for some food and a good night's sleep. But first it seems only fair to share a bit of the experience with those not in attendance. The sketches are, of course, posted on Finger Twitchings. I still have plenty of the Monster card packs so if anyone is interested in obtaining a set ($5 + S&H ), drop me a line and we can work out the details. Perfect for Halloween.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

FALLCON is only ONE more day away!!!

And I'm rushing about in the hopes of getting things squared away in time. It's madness. Madness!!! Anyways, while weeding through pages and materials to decide what needs to be kept and what should be added to the sales bin, and how much to charge I came across this nice little ink drawing of a fishing reel. Most of the time I can only see the things that I do wrong, but every once in awhile I get a reminder that I can draw fairly well. This is one of those times. Thank you fishing reel.

On a sad note, the congress and senate who apparently don't have enough to do with trying to fix the economy have rushed through new copyright legislation that has a negative impact on the careers of artists and opens up a vast potential for corporate abuse. For some reason the combination of potential corporate abuse with damage to the working class reminds me of something. Vaguely familiar. Weird.

I initially touched on this topic over at Finger Twitchings, but since then the powers that be went ahead and hot-lined the legislation while no one was looking. How this has escaped the attention of the press is beyond me. It changes the standards by which an artist is able to retain the copyright over their own work making it easier for companies to seize and use work without fair compensation while also setting up the possibility that an artist would have to pay money to own their creations. Let me restate that: an artist would have to pay a registry in order to retain ownership of their own work. It's absurd. It also allows companies that steal work, if caught, to determine the fair market value when compensating the artist. I'm beginning to think we need to vote out and replace every sitting congressman and senator in the next election so that hopefully the new staffing will remember that they're supposed to work for us. The whole thing is disgusting.

To anyone who reads this and wants to do something, write your congressman / congresswoman and senator. Be heard. Educate yourselves on candidates and use your vote to hire better staffing.